A guide to the perfect Old Fashioned ingredients

By Thursday, November 8, 2018

Old Fashioned Week is a new tradition started by Michael Landart of the Maria Loca bar in Paris, and Cyrille Hugon of Rhum Fest Paris & Marseille/Rumporter. In the year 2017 Old Fashioned Week became a global event to commemorate many spirit connoisseurs' favorite cocktail. Looking to add a creative twist to your classic cocktail? ...

The Agric’Old Fashioned

By Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Old Fashioned might just be the perfect cocktail. It’s deceptively simple, with only five straight forward ingredients: spirit, sugar, bitters, citrus peel, ice cubes. But the Old Fashioned’s thin line of success or failure rests on two factors: the choice of those ingredients and technique. If you ever want to test the chops of ...

Anatomy of an Old Fashioned

By Monday, October 1, 2018

The Old Fashioned is “old fashioned” for a reason. It’s generally not a medium for radical innovation. “The Old-Fashioned is the Doric column of the cocktail world,” writes Wayne Curtis, author of And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails (released in a revised and updated version this past ...